
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Curried Chickpea and Carrot Salad

The Thai food has returned. I warned you a string of these recipes was coming...

With the heat of summer at its apex, avoiding the heat of the kitchen is a must. But the need to prepare food calls. This recipe is prefect for those sweltering days. No hot ovens or stove tops. And it comes together in a flash

adapted from Vegan Yack Attack

serves 4

The Ingredients:
2 - 14.5 oz cans garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
1 1/2 cups grated carrots
1 cup shredded cabbage
1/2 cup golden raisins
3 Tbsp tahini
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp water
1 Tbsp tamari or soy sauce
2 tsp maple syrup
1 tsp curry powder
The Process
In a large bowl toss together the garbanzo beans, carrots, cabbage and raisins. 

In a small bowl, whisk together the remaining ingredients. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Add additional water as necessary to thin. 

Pour the dressing over the salad and toss to coat.

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