
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ginger-Ricotta and Peach Galette

I've been pondering this recipe for a while. Well, many variations thereof. The inspiration came from a botched batch of ginger ice cream...I hadn't anticipated the fresh ginger would curdle my milk. The happy accident delayed the ice cream, but provided me with a sweet gingery ricotta-like mixture. I day dreamed of Danish using the mixture. But the fresh fruits of summer that are beginning to arrive spurred on this recipe instead.

The recipe looks tedious, and it is. The crust and ricotta are made from scratch, adding a substantial time commitment. I suppose if you really wanted to, you could whisk some fresh ginger and sugar into a cup of store bought ricotta, and wield the pre-made pie crust.

But where's the fun in that?

the recipe is my own

yields two 7-inch galettes

The Ingredients
for the ricotta
2 cups whole milk
3 Tbsp fresh ginger, very finely minced
1/3 cup granulated sugar
1 Tbsp heavy cream (optional)

for the crust
1 1/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, diced and chilled
pinch of salt
1 Tbsp sugar
2-3 Tbsp ice cold water

2 medium peaches
2 Tbsp honey, divided

The Process
for the ricotta
Line a sieve with several layers of cheesecloth or muslin and set aside.

Pour the milk, ginger and sugar into a large non-reactive saucepan with a heavy bottom.  Heat slowly over medium high heat, stirring the milk constantly to prevent scorching.  Bring to a gentle boil and stop stirring. It will look like nothing is happening until the milk reaches about 175-180.  Once the mixture reaches this temperature curds will begin to form and clump on the surface.  Gently stir to encourage the curds to separate from the whey.  If no curds begin to form, stir in 1 tsp of cider vinegar and remove from heat. Stir infrequently at this point...over stirring will break up the curds too much and yield a drier ricotta. 

Ladle the cloudy liquid (whey) through the clothe lined sieve, working slowly to avoid breaking up the curd.  Once most of the whey has been ladled out of the pot, carefully pour the rest of the curd/whey mixture through the sieve.  Allow most of the liquid to drain.  Gather the edges of the cloth together to form a bag.   Thread a dowel or the handle of a wooden spoon through the knot and suspend the bag over a pot or the sink.  Allow to slowly drip drain for about 30 minutes.  Resist the urge to press the ricotta. Refrigerate until ready to use.

Can be made up to 3 days ahead of time.

for the crust
combine the flour, sugar and salt in a food processor fitted with a steel blade. Pulse a few times to combine. Add the chilled butter and pulse until the mixture forms course crumbs with pea sized bits of butter. With the machine running on low, pour the ice water down the feed tube and pulse the machine until the dough begins to come together. Dump the mixture out on a floured board divide into two portions. Gently bring each portion into a ball and wrap individually in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 1 hour.
Can be made a day ahead of time

to assemble
Preheat the oven to 375. Line a baking stone with parchment.

Pit the peaches and slice into thin wedges. 

Whisk the ricotta until smooth, thinning with a touch of cream if necessary.

Working with one dough ball at a time, place the dough onto a well floured surface and roll 1/8 inch thick. Trim to a 10-inch circle (a dinner plate makes a great template). Transfer to the parchment lined baking stone. Repeat with the second dough ball.

Spoon half of the ricotta onto each crust, and spread to within an inch of the edge. For each galette, arrange half of the peach slices in concentric circles, starting from the outside edge. 

Fold the outer edges of the pastry over the peaches, creating overlapping folds as you work around the perimeter. 

Bake for 25-30 minutes until the crust is golden and the filling is bubbling. Drizzle 1 Tbsp of honey over each galette and bake for an addition 5 minutes.

Allow the galette cool on the baking sheet on a wire rack. Cut into wedges to serve.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this is loaded with flavor. And it doesn't really look all that tedious to make (although I love the honesty!). Really good stuff -- thanks.
