
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Chorizo Spiked Clams with New Potatoes

Ross and I seem to be making good on an attempt to cook seafood with more regularity.  With the exception of weeks I am in dress rehearsals all evening, we've stayed a steady course.  This week's seafood dish: clams steamed in a flavorful broth with enough fresh bread to sop up the juices.  Littleneck or a similarly small clam work best for this.  We had to settle for the larger and slightly grittier ringneck clams as the fish monger was fairly picked over wen we arrived to pick out our dinner.

But hallelujah!  The smoked and cured Spanish chorizo we had such a hard time locating for previous recipes?  Despite the old world meat markets, full service butcher shops and amazing ethnic markets that fill our city?  Turns out the fish monger stocks it on a regular basis.  Paella will not be a problem in the future...

As with any clam, tap the shells on a hard surface.  Any shells that do not snap shut should be discarded.  Place the clams in a bowl of fresh cool water and allow them to rest for at least twenty minutes.  Longer is better.  They will spit out sand and grit during this time.  One at a time, remove the clams from the water and scrub with a soft brush to remove any external dirt.  Continue with your recipe.

adapted from Bon Appetit

serves 2

The Ingredients:
1 Tbsp olive oil
2 oz Spanish chorizo
3/4 lb small new potatoes
4 green onions, whites sliced crosswise and greens sliced on the diagonal
2 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
1/2 cup wheat beer
1 1/4 water or vegetable stock
2 lbs littleneck clams
1 baguette, cut crosswise and lightly toasted

The Process:
In a high sided skillet, heat the oil over medium heat.  Add the chorizo and fry, stirring often, until the chorizo begins to crisp and some of the fat has rendered, about 4 minutes.

Add the potatoes, garlic, and onion whites.  Saute, stirring occasionally until the potatoes are tender crisp, about 10 minutes.  Add the beer and cook until reduced by half.  Add the water and simmer until the potatoes are tender, about 5-8 minutes longer.

Add the clams and half of the onion greens.  Tightly cover the skillet, and steam until most of the clams half opened, about 10 minutes.  Discard any clams that have not opened.

Divide clams, potatoes and broth among bowls.  Sprinkle with remaining onion greens.  Serve with toasted bread.

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