
Thursday, June 7, 2012

First CSA box the season

It has been a while since posting.  Not for lack of cooking.  Well...except for last week.  Working full time plus attending dress rehearsals for a show, followed by a few hours of notes does eat into kitchen time quite a bit.  But all of that stress and exhaustion dissolved away with the arrival of our first CSA box of the season.  Our farm isn't really a close one.  They till the soil in our neighboring state.  But still...picked fresh this morning and prepared into an amazing salad the same evening.  Pure Heaven.

This week's box included arugula, spinach, collard greens, green leaf lettuce, black spanish radishes, strawberries, green garlic, rosemary, mint, potato onions, german butterball potatoes, garlic scapes and pea tendrils. 

A salad and dressing recipe will be forthcoming this evening.  Tomorrow a spinach and garlic scape frittata is calling my name....

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