
Sunday, February 12, 2012

Banana Waffles with Nutella

Sunday has come again, and with it my obsession with my waffle iron and a use for a banana or two from my freezer.  Does that happen to you?  Bananas are purchased with every intent on eating them within the next few days only to see the brown spots creep in almost overnight.  Rather than throw out the perfectly ripe fruit, the banana is banished to the freezer until time is made to concoct something wonderful at a later date...preferably not endless loaves of banana bread.  Before you realize it and army of frozen banana has begun to take over...

The recipe is an attempt to hold the bananas at least for a while.  Its dancing partner was inspired by a childhood joy of spreading Nutella on bananas as a snack.  Okay, maybe more of an adult joy...I didn't truly discover and come to appreciate Nutella until college.  As a child, pre-Nutella, I actually preferred dipping bananas in strawberry yogurt and rolling it in Grape-nuts.  Did anyone else ever do that?  But yogurt/Grape-nut/banana waffles doesn't sound quite as appealing as banana Nutella waffles...

This waffle recipe is a nice alternative for those too groggy to beat egg whites to soft peaks first thing in the morning.

waffle recipe adapted from Waffles of Insane Greatness at

serves 3-4

The Ingredients:
3/4 cup flour
1/4 cup cornstarch
1 1/2 Tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
2 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted
1 overripe banana, mashed
1 egg, beaten
1 cup buttermilk
1/2 tsp vanilla

for topping:
1/3- 1/2 cup Nutella
1 ripe banana sliced

The Process:
Preheat the oven to 200.  Preheat and lightly oil the waffle iron.

In a large bowl whisk together flour, cornstarch, baking powder and soda, salt and sugar.  In a medium bowl blend butter and mashed banana until well combined.  Whisk in egg, buttermilk and vanilla.  Slowly pour wet ingredients into dry, folding and stirring until just combined.  Do not over mix the batter. 

Cook waffles according to iron manufacturer's directions.  My waffle iron used about 1/2 cup of batter.  This batter is thicker than some and may need to be spread before closing the iron.  The batter also puffs up a lot more than other batters I've tried, so be careful not to overfill the iron.

Once cooked, set waffle aside on plate in the oven to keep warm.  Prepare other waffles in the same manner.

The make the topping, heat the Nutella in the microwave at 20 second intervals or in a double boiler on the stove top until liquid enough to pour.  Drizzle each waffle with about 2 Tbsp of Nutella and top with sliced banana.

The Review:
After beating egg whites for waffle batter during my last few waffles, it was nice to give my wrist a break (my hand mixer bit the dust and for those who actually have a stand you really want to haul that thing out just to beat one egg white?).  I may have found my go to waffle base for future fruit additive varieties.  The original recipe called for 1/3 cup of oil.  Figuring the banana would sub well for the wet, I nixed the oil...but did add in a little butter.  I also kept the sugar on the low end knowing the Nutella topping was going to be pretty sweet.

The banana flavor was wonderfully subtle, just enough real ripe fruit flavor to make the waffle interesting.  The waffle wasn't quite sweet or flavorful enough on its own, but with the Nutella and sliced bananas on top, it was a match made in heaven.  I would like to find a way to may the Nutella into more of a sauce.  The chocolate nut butter does not stay very fluid for long.

The waffles puffed up a lot and remained soft in the center, though a bit dense.  The outside reached my platonic ideal of crispness and retained the soft to crunch ratio even after topping.  With syrup though, I'm not sure how soggy they may become, nor how quickly.  But there are many a future Sunday to find out.

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