
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013 in Review

My first attempt at a Gingerbread House and 
one of our last projects of 2013.  Keep and eye out for the post next winter!

I apologize, dear readers.  Thank you for sticking out this lengthy dry spell with me.  This blog began as a New Year's resolution to push myself to try new recipes, step out of my comfort zone, and play more in the kitchen.  I have continued to do so with fervor.  Unfortunately, as life caught up the blog fell by the wayside.

Despite that, 2013 yielded some incredibly tasty treats.  I found myself playing around more with beer in recipes as I learn more about brewing and beer styles.  Seafood became the highlight of my week this spring and early summer, as Ross would stop by a fish monger to procure the challenge for that evening's dinner.  A mere 61 recipes were posted.  A far cry from the 100 I set out for.  Some of the highlights:

Beer Pretzel Toffee
Clams in a Green Curry Coconut Broth
Hawaiian Rum Punch (a Pinterest favorite it would appear!)
Lemon Parmesan Orzo with Seared Scallops
Coconut Brown Ale Pancakes with Coconut Cream and Toasted Macadamia nuts
Osso Bucco Sea Bass
Plum Semifreddo 
Sour Braised Beef with Polenta Fries

No major misses this year, though a few dishes came out a little uninspired.  Baking certainly seemed lacking this past year.  As did sides and salads.

The first few months of 2014 will be a little slow to get under way as I continue to juggle far too many tasks in the air.  But there will always be time for cooking.  As the snow melts away the posts should become more frequent.  

What will 2014 bring?  Beer ice cream in several variations is in the works.  And some baked goods using spent grains from brewing.  More seafood.  And hopefully several more quick bites and snacks.

Thank you for sticking around!